Monday, February 28, 2011

He's 2!!

Eli is 2!!
He got a tricycle & helmet from Mommy, daddy, & Sissy... and loves it!

The proud parents
Two years ago today one of our biggest blessings entered our world!
Happy Birthday Eli Arief, we love you and are so happy to celebrate you!

Yesterday afternoon we celebrated in style and had a party for him at The Little Gym
He had an awesome time!

Happy Birthday!!!

I love my party animals!
Happy Birthday Eli!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Us

Valentine's Day lunch with Daddy at the park
Yes... true story! I forced him but afterwards he told me he liked it!
My loves

6 years

Yesterday we celebrated 6 years of marriage, Happy Anniversary to us!
In the past 6 years we have learned a lot from each other by loving each other, even on our weakest days. We have stood by each other during our struggles, carrying each others burdens, celebrating our praises, confronting our fears and weaknesses.... anyways, we have been through a lot in the past 6 years. In 6 years we have rented 2 houses, owned two houses, had 2 beautiful children, gone through financial and physical transitions, 2 cats and 1 dog.... and we wouldn't change a thing. The hard parts have made us stronger and the great parts have made us realize how lucky we are to have each other.
Last week I shared with somebody that I would be celebrating my 6 year wedding anniversary and they felt the need to say, "Well, you have one good year left til the seven year itch... they say that your hardest years of marriage are your first and your seventh." I wanted to smack that person right across the face. I just smiled, nodded, and went about my life.
The things that she doesn't know about my marriage is that it almost didn't happen. Adam almost had a massive heart attack after we got engaged while he was stationed in Iraq. If he had had a heart attack over there, chances are he would not have gotten the care he needed and he wouldn't be here today. Thank the good Lord that they sent him for a complete work up to Germany and they found he had 5 blockages in his heart ranging from 55%-99%... less than a week later he went through a heart surgery and had every complication in the book. I was there through it all. We talk about the sequence of events that took place during that point in time. That was the scariest part of our marriage and we weren't even married yet. I am pretty sure that our seventh year will be a piece of cake compared. We value our marriage on a deeper level than the average couple.
We got away this weekend and it was so nice. We went to Birmingham and stayed in a nice hotel and got to do things that we don't get the luxury to do at home with two kids.... holding hands when we walk, a little bit of clothes shopping, uninterrupted meals, sleeping in, and Saturday morning we went to breakfast and sat, drank coffee, and actually had a great conversation for 2 hours. It was like catching up with an old friend you haven't seen in a while. We are with each other and see each other every single day but we don't get to sit and talk like that, it was so nice.
Happy Anniversary Adam! I love the past 6 years we have had together and am excited about what God has in store for the rest of our lives together! I love you more than this world!
Matthew 19:5
Your one and only, Sarah

Last week was a busy busy and rough week here in our home. Adam found out when he got to work last Monday that his co worker that sat in the cubicle right next to him died that morning. His name was Patrick Largent. He was always nice to everybody and never met a stranger. You can read more about him by clicking here to read his obituary. His funeral was on Thursday and we went. It was very sad, as you can imagine. Please keep his family in your prayers, especially his wife Rosalee who is broken hearted by this tragic loss.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day! We hope everyone is celebrating who they love today! Emma & Eli have gotten spoiled rotten by their Daddy by getting a small wooden train track set. I got a little spoiled too with a couple of goodies :)
We are meeting Adam on his lunch break to eat lunch at the park on the arsenal with the kids. It is supposed to be a beautiful day and we are looking forward to enjoying it!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Hearty Weekend

Tonight after we got home from spending time at my parent's house we had an awesome Family night! We baked a pizza and while it was baking me and the kids made heart shaped chocolate chip cookies in honor of Valentines Day. It was really fun... Emma was into it as much I expected, but I was surprised at how much Eli enjoyed making the cookies heart shaped!


After some good food and family fun it was time for a bath!
Adam and I both bathed the kids and made it a family affair which is a treat. All 4 of us stayed up past our bedtime last night and then the kids STILL woke up super early this morning so we were all for a early bedtime after a warm bath and books!

Not an eventful weekend night for most... but we are happy and blessed! These are the moments we will remember the most!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lesson #1

At the dinner table I feel like we are just constantly griping at the kids to "eat your food"! So last night at dinner Emma starts giving me a Spanish lesson because she is about to speak it fluently- Thanks Dora. I tell her I am not Mexican and I don't want to learn Spanish. She starts telling me how much she LOVES Spanish. I tell her she is Indonesian and she should learn to speak Indonesian (while I give evil eyes at her Daddy). I heard the angels in heaven above sing when Adam said "ok". SO we got our first Indonesian lesson at dinner last night...
#1 Satu
#2 Dua
#3 Tiga (teka)
#4 Empat
#5 Lima (leema)

Looking forward to lesson #Dua on #s 6-10!!!
When we started learning Indonesian at the dinner table and doing less griping at them to eat- they ate their dinner!


He is often overlooked by people besides Mommy & Daddy due to his crazy sissy's overactive personality. He is everybody's boy. Mommy's boy, Daddy's boy, even Sissy's boy. His best friend is his Sissy. His favorite activities include being held, being cuddled, watching Dora, holding his froggie (lovey), running, telling Sissy no, reading books, eating, stealing toys from Sissy, being carried everywhere... he is a sweet precious baby boy. In 26 days my baby boy is turning 2- blowing my mind.
He hasn't been feeling good again. We took him to the doctor on Saturday after he told me over ad over that his ear hurt (the kid never complains so we take his smallest complaint seriously). the doctor said the weather change (crazy weather going from snow and ice to sixtys then back down to 27 degrees) probably is playing a huge role in him not feeling well. They said he has pressure built up in his ears (a lot like what our ears feel like when we are on a airplane). They gave us some medicine to give him and we have, but he is still looking pitiful.
Prayers & positive thoughts for our littl guy are appreciated.

We are so thankful to have you in our lives Eli Arief Roap!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pinkalicious Party

Last Friday night we took Emma on a date all by herself with Mommy & Daddy. We went and ate dinner then took r to a Pinkalicious Birthday Party for her best friend Finley.
It was really cute! They did the little girl's hair and makeup and they all dressed up like a princess! It was completed with a tea party and cake!
Molly & Ella Kate