Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Before and After

A year ago today I made a huge life style change. God challenged me with an opportunity to have a better life. I looked at the life I had as a very overweight person that probably wouldn't make it to meet my grandchildren and then looked at the life I wanted to have as an average human being with a normal and healthy weight. I accepted the challenge and went after the life I wanted and the life I deserved to give my children. When I look at the before and after picture in this post I can tell that I lost 130 pounds. Part of me is so proud and happy for myself that I overcame myself and part of me is just ashamed that I let myself get that overweight. It was very hard to find a "before" picture. So sad... there was not a single picture that I could find that I wasn't trying to hide myselfbehind my children or another person. Today is a celebration for myself, Adam, Emma, and Eli of what our whole family has gone through in the past year. It has not been easy at all- a lot of mind over matter. Challenging to say the least. I'm not done. Technically with my height I am still considered "overweight". I have about 8-10 pounds I want to lose. I have an important appointment coming up on April 12 so I am intensely trying to get as close to my goal by then as possible. Stressful. After that appointment I am going to ease up- but just a little. I am struggling with the balance everyday because right now I know that I am fanatic. I need balance. But what I don't need right now- or ever- is the people in my life that say "You've lost enough." "You don't need to run that much" "You look great- take a break!" "You don't need to lose anymore weight." I am lucky enough to have more positive cheerleaders in my life than the negative ones that are always motivating me with their awesome words of encouragement "Hey skinny minny!" "Keep up the good work!" "You just keep losing weight and you look awesome!" I had a wise person tell me recently to keep putting those positive people in your life and avoid the negative ones.... so much harder than it sounds. As I have lost the pounds I am feeling like I have lost something else from inside with it. Sounds cheesy, I know. Something we are working on, but negativity doesn't help at all. So today I have been trying to remember what it was like to be so so so so overweight. I remember it was miserable. Trouble breathing. Hated going up stairs or walking long periods of time. Hated who I saw when I looked in the mirror. No self respect. Today I am thankful for my 30 minute runs that I enjoy going on. Thankful for the healthy eating habits that have replaced the double cheeseburgers and other fast food garbage. It has been a year. 365 days/52 weeks/ 8760 hours/ 525600 minutes I have shed a lot of blood sweat and tears over the last year and I wold do it all over again in a heartbeat if I had to. Because of this past year, I can live the rest of my life. Happy Anniversary to me... or really maybe it has become a sort of birthday to me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

2011 Family Photos

These are the pictures that we got taken by Alyson Clemons at Mooresville, AL.
These pictures signify so much to us... a sweet 3 1/2 year old, precious 2 year old, 6 years of marriage, and a physical transformation.
If you want to see the rest of them, click here and it will take you to a picture website where you can view all of them. Enjoy!

Since Mommy has been away...

Adam is my hero. He is awesome.
He has been such a great Daddy and kept the kids while I have been away.
Gabby kept them quite a bit too (Thanks Gabby)!
I think they have missed me since they cry for me to come home (especially Emma) every time I talk to them on the phone. BUT I think they have had a great weekend with their Daddy. He sent me lots of pictures while I was away and here are a few...
Last night they cooked out over at Gabby & Paws. They got to see a lot of family and play in the backyard. Emma was excited to tell me about it when I talked to her on the phone last night.

Over the weekend Adam took them to the park on the arsenal and packed a picnic!

Playing on the playground after their picnic!

While the kids played in the back yard, Adam worked on a small deck outside the back door, Impressive!

I have had so much fun and it has been nice to get away and take a much needed break from the every day Mommy sort of things. BUT I cant wait to get home tomorrow and love on my sweet babies!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Savannah, GA

I am visiting my best friend Leigh Anne in Savannah this weekend.
So glad that I got to see her, but so sad that she is so far away.
When we are together, we can look at each other and know what the other is thinking. I know when she is saying with just a look, "Can you believe this crazy mess?" She knows when I am asking a question with a certain smirk on my face. She is the first one to call me on it when I am off my rocker and I am the first one to tell her the same. We crack each other up even when no one else gets it. It is so easy to be around each other. We are well into 9 years of friendship and committed to a lifetime of friendship. Her friendship has been one of the most consistent and loving relationships that I have ever known.
Getting ready to go to the parade!

A pink firetruck at the parade on St. Paddy's day!

We went and sang karaoke at 3 in the afternoon on St. Paddy's day... very fun and interesting

A huge cargo ship going down the river at River St.

I love you with all my heart Leigh Anne Shipper! L&L, Sarah Em

Saturday, March 19, 2011

More Beachiness

My sweet angels at the pool.
While we were there Aunt Lindsey got them to jump in the pool "using no hands"
(jumping in without us catching them)

playing on the beach... we could stay out there all day!
Notice that Eli is in just a swimmy diaper at this point..
He started out with a swim suit and swim shirt on but when he got splashed with a wave he asked me to take them off, I am guessing he didn't like the way it felt wet. I took it off and he asked me to take the swimmy diaper off and I told him no... he didn't pitch a fit or anything when I told him no, I guess he thought it was worth a try asking to explore the beach in the nude. silly boy.
playing on the beach with Mommy's hat
playing on the patio

On the way home... grumpy sleepy tired little boy

Sweet little girl.
All in all it was a great trip to the beach!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Beach

Yesterday we drove down with my SIL, Lindsey & my nephew, Nico to the beach to enjoy a few days off while the kids have their Spring Break. It is funny to see what 2 & 3 year old have to talk about. I am also enjoyinsome quality time with a couple of family members we don't get to see very often. It was kinda to chilly (& VERY windy) to enjoy the beach today (64 degrees) so this morning we went to the naval museum. We watched an IMAX story of flight movie about the Blue Angels tha the kids did pretty good in. Emma got scared when the airplanes took off in the movie and were loud. Made me kinda dizzy sometimes. Eli did great til the end when he got a little antsy so I went and stood in the back of the theatre with him and then he was fine... thanks to a couple of snacks.

Cousins :)

The beach s beautiful. As always.
I got an oppurtunity to work out today (Thanks Lindsey!) and I chose part of it to be a 30 minute barefoot run on the beach. wow. Wow. WOW. Another awesome way to experience the beauties of the beach.
After the boys got up from their naps I was determined to take the kids to the beach since Emma would not quit nagging me about it... Oh my goodness... it was so so so so windy. so windy. We tried to fly a kite. We were unsuccessful, but Lindsey put some awesome effort into it! We still had fun and mae some frigid memories :)
Hoping that tomorrow is a lot warmer and we get to spend more time outside.